Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Confess

Recently, I was given the deadline to have a "Women's Support Group" up and running within the fiscal year effective July. Now, I've had the group in the making for years. Honestly, had the plan; the name of the group; its mission and a few people that expressed interest in being a part of the birthing process.

Well, here we are and I'm nervous as hell. July is right around the corner and I'm getting the jitters.

I really and truly have a confession to make. I'm nervous as hell!

My mind is screaming, Stella: What have you done? My spirit was all for the birthing of this group, but now my mind runs and the rest of me hasn't caught up yet to what's happening. Scary damn feeling.

Like everything, I know I will get a lot of backlash once this group is announced and I hope it attracks the women who need it the most. I've been wrestling with myself and qualming over it all, it really is hitting home.

Am I ready? I hope so. Can I do it? All I can do, is give it my best. My best has to be good enough along with my lyfe experience. Talk about feeling exposed, damn. My lyfe is becoming an open book.

I'm sure I will grow and learn from this group as well. I've already begun the journey and I suppose there's no turning back now in my journey.

I needed to confess and get it off my chest.