Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I love this story.

We all may come to a point in our lives where we might have to ask ourselves, Am I spending a wasteful day in regret?

This story, could have left people with plenty of regrets, outbursts and wasteful sleepless nights. I'm so glad this story is available to read and to gain insight.

Many people get the story a little twisted and say that these two women were lesbians, but I don't believe so and I personally feel the true friendship that these women shared made them both stronger. Here's the story.

Naomi and Ruth:

In spite of the fact that staying together after Naomi lost her son and her husband and Ruth lost her husband which was Naomi's Son. Despite the fact that the two of them stayed together Ruth choose to follow Naomi. Which meant, she had to leave her home, her family and her country. She left it all behind, which I can imagine really wasn't much after losing her husband.

Ruth clung to Naomi and she vowed to stand as one with her no matter what. This to me, just demonstrates true friendship and that isn't easy to find. This is one of the most beautiful commitments of friendship in history and I often read the story and every time I am impacted by their commitment. Ruth gained so much wisdom and strength by watching Naomi. They both shared intimate secrets without any judgment, criticism or domination. Now, how many people can you trust your secrets to? I have one person for the first time ever that I told my inner most secret to and he is a man and I believe he doesn't judge me.

Ruth and Naomi were more than daughter and mother in law, they were friends that loved at all times--in good and bad situations. Their actions demonstrated the self-sacrificing love that builds intimacy in any relationship.

As women particularly Women of Color, we should cherish the intimate friendship we are blessed to have and guard these valuable relationships.

Too many of us get caught up being "haters"! We are jealous, envious, backstabbers, devious, etc. We are women who can't seem to simply show and give love for your sista. Love your sista when she finds herself a man or when she gets a new house, car, job etc. Even when our sista is down, help her up. Stretch out your hand, lend your ear, bend your shoulder to her. Instead of running your mouth and beating her further down with your lips and feet.

To all my sistas, Stop all the haten and let Ruth and Naomi's difficult yet mutually rewarding relationship guide you. Show some love and stand by your friend!

p.s. - the best part of the story of Ruth is that by being helpful, faithful, true and following after a wise old woman (Naomi); Ruth found herself a good man. Boaz! Yep, she found BOAZ. I love that part of the story.

Encourage your sista and give her strength to carry on!


Tania said...

It's too bad that friends aren't real loyal.

In todays world, your so called friend or lover will backstab, backbite, talk about you, lie on you, borrow from you and never pay back, mistreat you and even screw your other friends.

Really, your friend or your lover is your worse "hater".

I'm hearing more guys fuck the girlfriend's friend and then talk about the girl to the friend to make them both mad at one another.

All for what? Just for the sake of fucking two different women that know each other and not wanting the other to find out. What a scumbag!

I think we all could learn from Ruth/Naomi.

What ever happen to loyalty, trust, commitment and respect?