Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Naughty or Nice

For me the holidays are about remembering the light, celebrating goodness and deeply feeling gratitude for life itself. This is my favorite tyme of year but I do realize for some people Christmas can be heartbreaking, lonely, depressing and the list goes on.
I realise the holiday stresses can bring about thoughts and attitudes that trigger
thoughts and feelings which both can be pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Just the simple thought or feeling of being late for an event while stuck in a traffic jam or long store line-up can lead to anger and frustration. Resisting attending a holiday party triggers resentment. Judgment of an irritating relative creates hostility.

Taking lyfe at ease and accepting that you can't change your past or people and how they are only brings you comfort. Understand that you can only change you and change your current situation/circumstances. So, instead of trying to figure out why things are the way they are or why people are the way they are, lets just take my gurl "Mo'Nique's" advice: IT IS WHAT IT IS and move on.

Accepting that there will be long line-ups and delays, too many events to attend, and difficult encounters with family and relatives, eases expectations and reduces resistance, bringing immediate relief.

So with all that said, Rather than just go for the ride year after year, ou can make a declaration to yourself to make this a different year.

Here are some practices that I find to be very helpful and if you adapt some or even create you own, I guarantee, you will feel surprisingly different by the end of the year.
Here we go:

•Are your basic needs met before giving to others? Make sure you are in alignment with your true values first, and then decide what to give.
•Be amused. Laughter lightens any situation,See the humorous side of things.
•Give to self.
•Create your own traditions. Once you’re clear about what makes this season meaningful for you, have fun and play with it•Stay at ease.
•Set boundaries: Remember, your time and energy is precious. Be clear about what works for you and what doesn’t. Making and sticking to healthy choices isn’t deprivation, it’s self love Are your boundaries intact?.
•Remind yourself that worrying about the future or regretting the past isn’t going to change what has or is going to happen. Search for what else could be true, rather than what you fear.

Personally, I believe once you become clear about what’s most important to you, you will then be able to redefine the spirit of the season for yourself. What is this holiday really about, is it spiritual? Family? Is it even about giving? Only you can answer these questions and truly its a self love; self respect soul searching kinda answer and the bottom line is: For better or worse, it’s the way it is...IT IS WHAT IT IS.

Enjoy yourself as well as honoring yourself at the deepest level this Christmas!!

I’m looking forward to December…are you?