Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Just left my mom's house. Finished up my greens and baked my chocolate chocolate cake. I'm making my stuffing for my turkey and started thinking about my grandma. My Nan, as I would call her.

My Nan made sure everybody sat down and had family dinner during our holidays. I loved being in the kitchen with her and watching her cut up the collard greens and she hand mashed those sweet potatoes. Not like I do today, whip out the mixer. Naw, she used the hand masher. She would be up cooking all night long. It's funny because as she cooked, she kept her VO and water right by her side. That was her drink, but she would call it her taste. lol.

My Nan, boy, do I miss her. I miss her laughter, her calling out my name Rhonda Lynn. I always knew when I did something wrong, she used that middle name.

Welp, holidays just don't seem the same without my nana. One thing for sure, her spirit carrys on. We still sit down and have our family dinner, have prayer and scripture read. My nan always had us all circle around the table and read scripture first and then prayer.

This Thanksgiving, I'm remembering my nan. I'm grateful and thankful for having a well rounded strong women who taught us the value of spending time with loved ones.

Family and Friends were important to her. She would say, never go to bed angry. Call your friends up and let them know you're thinking about them. She would say, don't stay mad at people, forgive them and move on. She always would say, staying mad only hurts you. She was right.

Tonight, I remember my nan and I value the love she gave and shared.