Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DIVA Confession

I confess that I don't know it all and I have soo much more to learn.
I confess that I'm a work in progress striving to have a better tomorrow.
I confess that I may not always be open minded, but I'm learning to be.
I confess that I will remain "real" and "true".
I confess that at tymes I just don't want to be bothered with anyone.
I confess that I'm aware, my lyfe experience is and will be different then yours.
I confess that as we grow together, we can learn of each other.
I confess that at tymes, it it difficult to remain cool.
I confess that I don't feel strong or confident all the damn tyme.
I confess that I am weak in sum areas and lack thereof.
I confess that there are tymes that I don't even feel like praying.
I confess that I desire to be held and loved by my man.

I confess that I am only human and not SUPERWOMAN (although, I'd love to be)*smile
I confess...

As a DIVA, I'm aware and I confess.


Tania said...

We are only human! Being real is most important.

Tania said...

We are only human! Being real is most important.

The Diva Principle said...

You know what they say, "real recognizes real".

I attended an Awards Banquet for African American Students and the keynote speaker said one profound word that stood out to me. He said, CONFESS. Tell the kids or the person that you don't have all the answers,

When he said that, I knew in my heart that its ok to confess."I don't have all the answers.

Needless to say, the Diva Confession post was written before hearing him speak but it was absolutely a good feeling of confirmation!