Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fried Chicken and Collard Greens

I miss my Nanna! I use to watch her cook and yes, she was famous for her "Fried Chicken & Collard Greens". I remember how she use to clean, roll up the collard greens and slice them up. She would say to me, "don't just stand there watching me". Child, pull yourself up a chair and follow me; dont just stand there. She would say: Hmmph, young folk act like they ain't never seen fresh greens and such, gurl get youself busy!

Cleaning greens was a process and a routine. Same way all the time. Every Sunday, we would have "Fried Chicken Collard Greens & mashed potatoes and have family sit down dinner. Wasn't any of that, you eat in the living room and I eat upstairs. No, we all sat down at the family dinner table. My my, how things have changed.

I'm trying now to show my grand-daughter some of grandma's family down through the years rituals.

What a lesson I've learned just in grandmas' "Fried Chicken and Collard Greens". She taught me the love, the laughter and the experience of taking time with loved ones. Oh, how I do miss my Nanna. As my Nanna nurtured me, so will I nurture mine!

Food for thought: For Every one of us that succeeds, its because there's somebody there to show you the way out. (Oprah Winfrey)