Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The INNER GAME of Health

2010 marks the year for health, wellness & fitness. I know at least for me it does. I kinda had a little battle with my health a few months ago which resulted in some weight loss. At first it made me a little scared, I was having alot of dizzy spells. Of course, I blamed it all on working too much. Ended up finding out that my blood pressure was sky high, sugar and chrolestral all up. Had to change some habits and loose some weight or else.

Now, I feel great! Sometymes this ole age thing catches up with you. I had this dude call me old, damn sure did; he just don't know how close he came to me doing a Serena Williams move and give him a backhand. lol Well, Everything is under control now with my health and weight. You know, I can even drop it like its hot and jump right back up. :) That was hard for me before. woot woot, go me!

Here is the article I was reading from Essence Mag and its talking about 2010 being the Health & Wellness Year. It also, talked about Meditation being one form of healing and he helps with releasing stress. The good part is that I already practice this (when I have tyme) and it does work!!

Listen up and try it for yourself: Chronic disease affects so many people in America. These complex problems - cancer, diabetes, and heart disease - require complex solutions. Part of the solution involves people learning to help themselves by creating health-promoting states of consciousness - this is the inner game of health.

Many tools are available, including meditation, guided imagery, yoga, and visualization. Visualization is a powerful method for improving your health and for achieving your goals in life.

Sit quietly and close your eyes. Create a mental image of the tissue, organ, or structure you want to help heal. If you have chronic muscular pain in your neck and shoulders, visualize those muscles as being loose, relaxed, and limber. Visualize plenty of blood flowing to those muscles. Visualize the tension in those muscles dissolving.

If you have painful arthritis in your hands, visualize your fingers and wrists moving through a complete and pain-free range of motion. Visualize the swelling in those joints dissolving. Visualize yourself as being healthy and pain-free.

Allow these visualizations to occur without any stress or strain. Your body is designed to respond to mental commands. Engage in the process and alllow the results to happen over time.