Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I try real hard to see the good in people. Lately, this one particular person just totally disgusses me. I have learned so much about the hidden deception and character of this person and nothing is off limits for them. Nothing.

I just wonder, has this feeling ever happened to you? At some point in lyfe, have you ever encounter upon someone who misled you? Where you thought someone was so loyal, trustworthy, honest, caring, and goes out their way to make the world a better place; And then, you find out its all a mask of deception? Wow! This is where I am right now, in total disgust.

I don't see this person too often any more, but when I do...my stomach turns sour.
I never felt that way about anyone before. Well, I take that back, My ex-husband and I never thought anyone could be worse than him. He's almost a saint in comparison. Damn, at least he didn't hide his.

When a person hides behind a mask and is completely and totally the oppossite behind closed doors, they leave you with a disgusting feeling. Their actions are totally oppossite of what they claim they stand for and believe. It is disgusting!!

I've lost all respect and despise them for all the trickery they stand for. Respect is earned and truly behind the mask, they deserve NO RESPECT. It's disgusting.

I can't even stomach seeing the sight of this person anymore. It leaves a disgusting taste and feeling that makes me want to throw up!


Anonymous said...

Disgust is a gross taste. I still remember the taste of spinach. Yuck, that left me sick all night and I vowed to never taste it again!
The best part of a disgusting taste is exposure!!
Others will see through the mask because a person can only hide for so long.
In the meantime, stay away from that disgusting taste or drink plenty of pepto-bismol. lol