Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Every now and again, I like to be still and feel the presence of God. This is one of those tymes. I'm spending my first nite in my new home alone and it feels so sootheing and comforting. Im enjoying this quietness before tomorrow sets in when all chaos breaks out with loading and unloading and moving stuff. And, of course of me doing what I do best, Be Bossy. lol. I'm being still tonite.

Im listening to Maxwell and reading my book I got from Cali, its a real good romantic book. This is my way of "Opening up to God". Like me, I'm sure most of you heard that phrase before, but can I ask you; what does that really mean? and How, do you really open up to God?

Now God for me is Christ. He is my first and foremost love. For you, it might be nature, spirit, the creator, budda, mother universe, etc. You get the picture; whatever feels right to you.

There has been many times when I had to use my faith and call upon God and everytime, he has always shown himself real. I'm sure, like you; I can share so many amazing stories how he shown himself real in my lyfe.

Opening yourself up to God really isn't that difficult at all. You simply just do nothing and just let go of trying to solve or resolve your situation. It's called "BE STILL". Do absolutley nothing. Feel, breathe and BE STILL. You see, in that quietness, you will find you are better able to identify with what's going on inside you. Better able to get answers, better able to just listen to that still small voice.

BE STILL and let down your guard, and surrender. Yep, this requires some courage on your scared behind. :)) But you can do it. Really its a part of you that becomes vulunerable on a deeper level. (people just don't seem to like to go there) Cause see it requires you to reach out right when you are alone and in the dark to an unknown source of power and love that you can not see. (now that's deep)

For me, letting down my guard means several things. Right now, I'm not ready to share those things. (maybe later, as time moves on) God has always been there loving me through the good times and the bad times.

He is my rock, my healer, my provider, my love and my protecter.


What would letting down your guard mean to you? When was the last time you opened up to God?


Tamara said...

I think it has part to do with that NEWNESS you talked about...the NEWNESS of a home had you searching for a more inner, controlled you (since you knew the next day was moving chaosity!).
You are right, that "stillness", peacefulness, solitude, mighty hour of reflection can shed a completely different perspective on many things if we "ALLOW" it to happen.
We should all be more "choosey" in what we allow to happen in our lives.
Glad you are happy about the move, and you already know that makes two of us in a new home....you're post brought a smile to my face as well as a desire to contemplate and re-evaluate myself and my inner connection.
Be Blessed...