Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sum Sun Shining

I love people. I love to talk with them, learn and share ideas/opinions and I'm always ready to pitch a hand to help. That's just my nature and who I am as a person.

But, when I meet someone who gives back to me it is even more amazing! It lets me know how much we as a people are loved by others!

I just met the most amazing person ever! I mean the mere conversation this person and I shared was so enlightening, inspirational and best yet; so enthusastic. Every word was exactly what I needed at this particular time in my lyfe. I believe it was God sent and defintely devine intervention. The energy that bounced with every word spoken was amazing.

Energized and filled with amazement of how people move from one level to the next is amazing. Have you ever had a conversation where word for word you just felt so in tuned? We talked on the street corner I know a good hour before we both realized, we had an appointment to meet.

Our disscussion went from one topic to another. I enjoyed the conversation and the energy that we both felt and I know it certainly does brighten up ones day!

I like the live energy that I felt and I will always remember that conversation!

Watch Out World! I was just told: THE BEST IS YET TO COME....DAMN-I'm excited!