Diva's Weekly Principle:

"Attitude is Everything". ~2011 Diva Principle

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Make You a PRIORITY!
I personally love METYME! I enjoy the quality time of loving, pamphering and doing me. From body oils to lotion, bubbles, candles, good sex, good books, dance lessons, yoga, good movies & music this is how I spend METYME.

So many women today, including myself, see themselves as caretakers. They take care of their children, even when they're grown, they take care of their partners, they take care of parents, siblings, friends, neighbors and coworkers. The one person they never take care of is themselves! I've learned through my journey of healing, to always take time out for METYME.

I think the one thing women don't understand is that we all only have a finite amount of time and energy, and when we spend all that time and energy on other people, we don't have enough left to nurture us. What we need to recongize is that taking time for ourselves, and doing things to make our own lives a little better, is NOT selfish, and the more we nurture ourselves, the more we have to give to others. You can not give what you don't have and you can't love unless you love yourself.

Taking care of YOU is a win-win situation. You feel better, you feel more at peace, you feel energized, and all of that is reflected upon those around you.

Sometimes little things can mean a lot. It could be that for you personally, could spend an hour with a good book and a cup of gourmet coffee will leave you refreshed, relaxed and revitalized. Maybe all it takes is a nice hot bubble bath and some soothing music. Whatever it is that it takes to re-energize you, you need to take that time out of your life to focus on yourself. Screw the world and have a calcon moment.

How many times have you found yourself feeling overwhelmed and frustrated that you never seem to have a minute to yourself? You have to take the initiative to MAKE that time. Can you tuck the kids in for a nap and take that bubble bath? Can you make a quick trip to the bookstore, between other errands, to pick up that book that you've been dying to read? Balance your time and certainly MAKE and TAKE the time for you.

Even if your answer is that you're way to busy, it's time to make YOU a priority in your life! You don't think twice about giving your time to others, so why think twice about giving equal time to you? Get rid of those feelings of guilt and selfishness, because it's way past time to put yourself at the top of your own list!

Start today with METYME! Love yourself enough to give back to yourself.